Environmental protection measures are the basis of our conscientious daily work in the sensitive field of operation of oil terminals. We feel that preventative maintenance and timely investments pay off in the long term. For example, UNITANK was one of the first companies to build all of its new tanks using the tank-in-tank construction method and a double bottom with leak detection, which it has been doing since 1975.
This offers maximum safety so that no mineral oil can be released into the environment even in the extremely unlikely case of a leak in the product tank.
After an initial revamp at the Raunheim terminal we decided against using the less-expensive solution of a mini-containment. Instead we rebuild the containment area at great expense using a new technoloy – because we think in the long term and environmental protection is our top priority.
Just to make sure
Even if we assume that we already have a high standard for safety and environmental protection, at our German locations we also additionally and voluntarily undergo external legal compliance audits to prove the compliance with the extensive sets of regulations that are applicable for oil terminals.
Using the UNITANK management information system we can not only access important information from any terminal on the tablets in our headquarters but also monitor the sensitive issues in all of the terminals by accessing the local video surveillance systems. In case of emergency we can thereby fulfil our responsibility and immediately provide support to the local management directly from Hamburg.
To good neighbours
A conscientious operation must prepare itself even for the unlikely case of a malfunction. Rest assured that we have done and will continue to do everything in our power to avoid any sort of negative impact on you. In accordance with Article 11 of Germany's Hazardous Incident Ordinance we are also obligated to inform our neighbours of safety measures and what to do in hazardous situations.
We have distributed this brochure and also made it available for download here.